Seed Starting Hack: Hydrogen Peroxide

Seed Starting Hack: Hydrogen Peroxide

Are you looking to give your houseplant seeds the best possible start? Hydrogen peroxide may be the secret ingredient you've been missing. 

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen. When used in seed starting, it can disinfect the seeds and help prevent mold, mildew, and other harmful pathogens from taking over your seed setup before the seeds can germinate. This can significantly increase the germination rate and overall success of your seedlings!

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Starting Seeds

It's important to use a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, the best option is a 3% hydrogen peroxide to water mix. Place your seeds in this solution and let them soak for about 30 minutes- 1 hour. After soaking, rinse the seeds with clean water before planting them in your seed starting mix.

Just make sure not to keep your seeds in the hydrogen peroxide for too long, as it can potentially damage the seeds!

Benefits of Using Hydrogen Peroxide for Seed Starting

Using hydrogen peroxide for starting seeds offers several benefits. It helps to sterilize the seeds, reducing the risk of disease. It also oxygenates the soil, promoting healthy root development. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide can break down into water and oxygen, providing a boost to seed germination.

Which seeds benefit from pre-soaking in hydrogen peroxide?

The best candidates for pre-soaking in hydrogen peroxide are larger seeds that take a month or longer to germinate. If purchasing from our shop, look out for any seeds that have the recommendation to pre-soak prior to planting, they're great options for pre-soaking in hydrogen peroxide! That includes seeds like:

 So try out pre-soaking some seeds in hydrogen peroxide the next time you plant some! It can mean the difference between the seeds molding over vs. the seeds staying healthy and germinating. 

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